Source code for watson.di.container

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from inspect import isfunction
from watson.common import imports
from watson.common.datastructures import dict_deep_update
from import dispatcher, types
from watson.di import processors
from watson.di.types import FUNCTION_TYPE, CLASS_TYPE

PRE_EVENT = 'event.container.pre'
    'params': {},
    'definitions': {},
    'processors': {
        PRE_EVENT: [
        POST_EVENT: [

[docs]class IocContainer(dispatcher.EventDispatcherAware): """A simple dependency injection container that can store and retrieve dependencies for an application. The container is configured via a dict containing the following keys. params A dict of data that can be injected into a dependency. If the value of the key is the same as the name of another dependency then the dependency will be referenced. definitions A dict of definitions that are to be loaded by the container. Available keys within a definition are as follows. item The qualified name of a class or function type singleton (only load the dependency once) or prototype (instantiate and return a new dependency on each request) init A list or dict of items to be injected into the dependency on instantiation. setter A list or dict of methods to be called upon instantiation. property Same as setter Only 'item' is a required key. processors A dict of events to be listened for and processors to be called. Example: .. code-block:: python container = IocContainer({ 'params': { '': 'localhost' }, 'definitions': { 'database': { 'item': 'db.adapters.MySQL' 'init': { 'host': '', 'username': 'simon', 'password': 'test', 'db': 'test' } } } }) db = container.get('database') # an instance of db.adapters.MySQL Attributes: config (dict): A dict containing the definitions, params and processors. __instantiated__ (dict): A cache of already instantiated dependencies. """ config = None __instantiated__ = None
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None): """Initializes the container and set some default configuration options. Args: config (dict): The params, definitions and processors. """ self.__instantiated__ = {} self.config = dict_deep_update(DEFAULTS, config or {}) self.__instantiated__ = {} self._pre_process_event = types.Event(name=PRE_EVENT) self._post_process_event = types.Event(name=POST_EVENT) for event, listeners in self.config['processors'].items(): for processor in listeners: self.attach_processor( event, imports.load_definition_from_string(processor)())
[docs] def attach_processor(self, event, processor): """Attach a processor to the container. Attaches a processor to the container that will be triggered on a specific event. Args: event (string): The name of the event (watson.di.container.POST_EVENT or PRE_EVENT) processor (watson.di.processors.BaseProcessor): The processor to attach. """ if not isinstance(processor, processors.Base): raise TypeError( 'Processor must be of type {0}'.format(processors.Base)) processor.container = self self.dispatcher.add(event, processor)
[docs] def get(self, name): """Retrieve a dependency from the container. Args: name (string): The name of the dependency to retrieve. Raises: KeyError: If the definition or item within the definition are not specified. Returns: mixed: The dependency """ if name not in self: self.add_definition(name, {'item': name}) if name in self.__instantiated__: return self.__instantiated__[name] definition = self.config['definitions'][name] instance = None obj = None if 'call_type' not in definition: # definition hasn't be retrieved yet, determine the type of # dependency obj = self._get_dependency(definition) call_type = self._get_type(obj) definition['call_type'] = call_type if call_type: definition['item'] = obj else: instance = obj if definition['call_type']: # The dependency needs to be instantiated or called instance = self._create_instance(name, definition) if (definition.get('type', None) != 'prototype' or not definition['call_type']): # The dependency should only be retrieved once self._add_to_instantiated(name, instance) return instance
[docs] def add(self, name, obj, type_='singleton'): """Add an instantiated dependency to the container. Args: name (string): The name used to reference the dependency obj (mixed): The dependency to add type_ (string): prototype|singleton depending on if it should be instantiated on each IocContainer.get call. """ self._add_to_instantiated(name, obj) self.add_definition(name, {'type': type_, 'item': imports.get_qualified_name(obj)})
[docs] def add_definition(self, name, definition): """Adds a dependency definition to the container. Args: name (string): The name used to reference the dependency definition (dict): The definition of the dependency. """ self.definitions[name] = definition # Convenience methods
@property def instantiated(self): return self.__instantiated__ @property
[docs] def params(self): """Convenience method for retrieving the params. Returns: dict: A dict of params. """ return self.config.get('params', {})
[docs] def definitions(self): """Convenience method for retrieving the definitions. Returns: dict: A dict of params. """ return self.config['definitions'] # Internals
def _get_type(self, obj): type_ = CLASS_TYPE if isfunction(obj): type_ = FUNCTION_TYPE elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, dict, set, str)): type_ = None return type_ def _create_instance(self, name, definition): params = {'definition': definition, 'name': name} event = types.Event(name=PRE_EVENT, target=self, params=params) result = self.dispatcher.trigger(event) obj = result.last() event = types.Event(name=POST_EVENT, target=obj, params=params) self.dispatcher.trigger(event) return obj def _add_to_instantiated(self, name, item): self.__instantiated__[name] = item
[docs] def _get_dependency(self, definition): """Loads a definition item. """ item = definition['item'] if isinstance(item, str): item = imports.load_definition_from_string(definition['item']) return item
def __contains__(self, name): """Determine if the container contains the specific dependency. """ return name in self.definitions def __repr__(self): return ( '<{0}: {1} param(s), {2} definition(s)>').format( imports.get_qualified_name(self), len(self.params), len(self.definitions) )