Source code for watson.di.processors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
from inspect import isfunction, signature
from types import FunctionType
from watson import di
from watson.common.contextmanagers import suppress
from watson.di.types import FUNCTION_TYPE

[docs]class Base(di.ContainerAware, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base processor that all other processors should extend. When a processor is called from the container the following parameters are sent through with the event. - definition: The dict definition of the dependency - dependency: The name of the dependency Depending on the event, a different target will also be sent with the event. - watson.di.container.PRE_EVENT: The dict definition of the dependency - watson.di.container.POST_EVENT: The initialized dependency """ @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, event): raise NotImplementedError( 'The processor <{}> must implement __call__'.format(get_qualified_name(self))) # pragma: no cover def get_args_kwargs(self, obj): args, kwargs = [], {} if isinstance(obj, dict): for key, val in obj.items(): kwargs[key] = get_param_from_container(val, self.container) elif isinstance(obj, list): for arg in obj: args.append(get_param_from_container(arg, self.container)) return args, kwargs
[docs]class ConstructorInjection(Base): """Responsible for initializing the dependency. Responsible for initializing the dependency and injecting any required values into the constructor. Args: event ( The event dispatched from the container. Returns: mixed: The dependency """ def instantiate(self, definition): item = definition['item'] if hasattr(item, '__ioc_definition__'): definition.update(item.__ioc_definition__) args, kwargs = [], {} is_lambda = definition.get('call_type', None) == FUNCTION_TYPE sig = signature(item) if 'container' in sig.parameters: kwargs['container'] = self.container if 'init' in definition: init = definition['init'] updated_args, updated_kwargs = self.get_args_kwargs(init) args.extend(updated_args) kwargs.update(updated_kwargs) if isfunction(init): sig = signature(init) if 'container' in sig.parameters: kwargs['container'] = self.container init = init(*args, **kwargs) definition['init'] = init if not is_lambda: args, kwargs = self.get_args_kwargs(init) item = item(*args, **kwargs) if is_lambda and isinstance(item, str): # Special case for items that might be retrieved via lambda expressions with suppress(Exception): definition['item'] = self.container.load_item_from_string(item) item, args, kwargs = self.instantiate(definition) return item, args, kwargs def __call__(self, event): definition = event.params['definition'] item, args, kwargs = self.instantiate(definition) return item
[docs]class SetterInjection(Base): """Responsible for injecting required values into setter methods. Args: event ( The event dispatched from the container. Returns: mixed: The dependency """ def __call__(self, event): item = definition = event.params['definition'] if 'setter' in definition: for setter, args in definition['setter'].items(): method = getattr(item, setter) if isinstance(args, dict): kwargs = {arg: get_param_from_container( value, self.container) for arg, value in args.items()} method(**kwargs) elif isinstance(args, list): args = [get_param_from_container(arg, self.container) for arg in args] method(*args) else: method(get_param_from_container(args, self.container)) return item
[docs]class AttributeInjection(Base): """Responsible for injecting required values into attributes. Args: event ( The event dispatched from the container. Returns: mixed: The dependency """ def __call__(self, event): item = if 'property' in event.params['definition']: for prop, value in event.params['definition']['property'].items(): setattr( item, prop, get_param_from_container( value, self.container)) return item
[docs]class ContainerAware(Base): """Injects the container into a dependency. Responsible for injecting the container in any class that extends watson.di.ContainerAware. The container is then accessible via object.container Args: event ( The event dispatched from the container. Returns: mixed: The dependency """ def __call__(self, event): item = if isinstance(item, di.ContainerAware): item.container = self.container return item
[docs]def get_param_from_container(param, container): """Internal function used by the container. Retrieve a parameter from the container, and determine whether or not that parameter is an existing dependency. Returns: mixed: The dependency (if param name is the same as a dependency), the param, or the value of the param. """ if param in container.params: param = container.params[param] if param in container: param = container.get(param) elif param in container: param = container.get(param) else: if isinstance(param, FunctionType): param = param(container) return param